About Us

TheTicketBuyers.com has an aim to purchase extra tickets from people. For certain events, we often pay more than face-value and offer a secure method of selling your tickets. We have been purchasing tickets from customers since 2007 and have thousands of satisfied sellers.

If you have tickets to sell then please send us the details and we will contact you to discuss price etc. We are always willing to negotiate and open to counter offers. Some of our happy customers, names have been changed to ensure confidentiality.

  • Quick, easy transaction and most importantly for me confidentiality. Peter, London
  • We used TheTicketBuyers.com to sell our extra tickets.  John
  • Great service, quick payment, highly recommended. Emma, Paris

The Ticket Buyers prides itself in offering a simple yet effective way of purchasing your tickets. Please contact us today.

We understand the need for anonymity and therefore we do not give your details to anyone or do we store them. We only ask that the tickets are geniune, we do not require any more information.

We are recently offering a courier service in which we collect the tickets from wherever you are and we pay you the agreed price for the tickets.

For major events including The FA Cup, Champions League Final, and Europa League, tickets are in the form of E-Tickets. With this, we are able to make payment before any transfer.